
What time it takes for you to reach from the lowest to the highest rating

That's like wasting a big chunk of time. You are a shame to chess community for taking such long to achieve this far.

It generally takes 15 days to 1 month time depending upon the number of games you play to reach from 800 to 2100.

CHESS is not your cup of tea. @simastark
@AsiyaAlam but your rating is still 1912 even if you are playing greater than 2700 games in blitz... dont blame others watch yourself first... i wonder if you are greater than 2100 as what you say in 15 days... but you are not
When I decided to get serious with chess again I went from 1450 to 1920 in about 3 days...then I got bored of it again and went back down slowly
After starting to play chess at age of 4 in 2008 .
I lost every game whether it is with anyone .
Joined here 6 months before with 1500 rating.
Went to 1000 in one month .
After 4 months I am 1700
It depends on your RD (rating deviation) and skill level. It's possible to go from 1500 to 3000+ in one day.

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