
Puzzle #7d03b

This puzzle is wrong because there are several moves that get you to mate in the same amount of moves. It doesn't matter if you take with queen or rook first but queen first is considered wrong.
I am sure the puzzle is correct. White has 3 only moves to find to give a mate in 3. I don't know what you mean with your last sentence, maybe you changed the position of some pieces later in the analysis or so?
I don't get this puzzle issue either. There is no way to take with the rook first since the white rooks are on a different file than the black rook and queen.

Now you could move the white rook from f2 to f8 (move Rf8), but this leads to an exchange on the f file and the white queen cannot access the f file directly - she can access only e8, f5 or f1 directly. Its always best to review seemingly improvements with the Stockfish analysis turned on.

I often missed the Stockfish analysis too - now I am only having a puzzle problem if Stockfish suggests something else than the puzzle accepts as solution. I guess, I don't have the experience to always understand what's wrong or better when these 2 solutions are compared with each other :-( But overall, this refers to maybe 5% of all puzzles I have played so far...