
Puzzle 66793???

White has Qa4+.
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Black can reply to Qa4+ with Na6, or for that matter a5. White is not saved from the fork by e5. Perhaps Black is very slightly less well off after he captures the piece if his knight is left on a6 (or pawn on a5) but that's not entirely obvious, because White's queen is also not ideal on a4.
These replies are not legal as they do not stop the check. Nc6 is possible but it does not prevent White's queen from taking on b4 since the black queen is also under attack. In the end White is up a pawn and Black will not be able to castle kingside very soon.
Instead of -2 for Black, the game is +2 for White.
Just follow the sf analysis.

7... e5 8. Qa4+ Nc6 9. Qxb4 Nxb4 10. Nxd5 Nxd5 Bxe5
Oops sorry, I was sleeping! Yes, black's in check. Ok, the program is correct: black has to exchange his bishop for the knight on c3 first.

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