
Any ideas how to run a LICHESS BOT online 24/7? not heroku

@AaronNZ said in #2:
> Hi @AyaanshGaur12
> I am assuming you aren't a bot developer and that you just want a bot account for the title. Please remember, if you are not a bot developer you have no reason to create a bot.
> For more information please see:
I am a bot developer, in fact I have created over 10 of them.
The only thing is that I want to host them 24/7 because I don't want to keep my computer on every time, specially because the command prompt and my bots take away a lot of CPU threads, and its bad for gaming, and everything.
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #3:
> I am a bot developer, in fact I have created over 10 of them.
> The only thing is that I want to host them 24/7 because I don't want to keep my computer on every time, specially because the command prompt and my bots take away a lot of CPU threads, and its bad for gaming, and everything.
So your question is that you want to use another host
I think heroukou is the best, can you please share why you don't want to use it
Anyways, you can use Google cloud, plus it gives you 300usd credit which should mean 3 free months, deploy you api code to it, use commands like nohup ...( I totally don't recommend nohup even if I use it ) to maintain it running
One thing, obviously install the api
@BinaryBishop said in #7:
> So your question is that you want to use another host
> I think heroukou is the best, can you please share why you don't want to use it
> Anyways, you can use Google cloud, plus it gives you 300usd credit which should mean 3 free months, deploy you api code to it, use commands like nohup ...( I totally don't recommend nohup even if I use it ) to maintain it running
> One thing, obviously install the api
Ah, well I tried heroku, but wasn't happening... maybe I will try it again..
@BinaryBishop said in #7:
> So your question is that you want to use another host
> I think heroukou is the best, can you please share why you don't want to use it
> Anyways, you can use Google cloud, plus it gives you 300usd credit which should mean 3 free months, deploy you api code to it, use commands like nohup ...( I totally don't recommend nohup even if I use it ) to maintain it running
> One thing, obviously install the api
Oh and I am not able to really find a tutorial or somethin' for how to run a LICHESS bot 24/7 on youtube, and I haven't really done the same

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