
“Left Game”

I had a game ended in a defeat for leaving when I did not leave!
Put yourself in the position of your opponent. They sent their move to LiChess. LiChess registered their move and sent it to you. Something glitched on your hand, likely your internet. You never responded. You never refreshed your browser to know it was your move.. In your defense you may not have known you should.

What should be the outcome? How would LiChess know that you didn't turn off your internet so you didn't get the move?

Here's what I do if there's a long delay and my opponent hasn't moved, and LiChess hasn't told me my opponent abandoned the game.

I refresh my browser. Or I open the game URL in a new browser tab. Or I check the game on my mobile device.
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@StingerPuzzles, one time in a classical game my opponent had 24 mins in a classical game, and it went down to 3 mins, he still did not play. Finally, he returned and told that his dog escaped. :)

He won.

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