
I reached 2000 bullet and 2000 blitz what should I do next?

Id recommend antichess and three check because all you need to do is to sacrifice your pieces and capture your opponents pieces whereas in 3 check you need to block any checking routes and check you're opponent
@Vidhatha said in #11:
> Id recommend antichess and three check because all you need to do is to sacrifice your pieces and capture your opponents pieces whereas in 3 check you need to block any checking routes and check you're opponent
for somebody who said theyre having trouble with complex variants I wouldnt recommend antichess which is literally impossible for humans and even computers have a hard time with it and it isnt just sac all your pieces its extremely complex
@AtOmSofFaItH said in #10:
> uh youve never played a rated anti game lol tho anti is the hardest variant ngb admitted it and hes played 20,000 games of it

Not about this account. I had previously some account where I was 1900+ Antichess. If you want proof, you can pm me. (I was also 1700+ in many variants)
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