
Are there better online computer analysis platforms than lichess?

I really like the lichess interface with the graph explicating the turns in advantage in the game really well. I have noticed that the depth for each move isn't that deep though. I would like to know if there is a similar platform that goes deeper for each move and uses the same type of graph system.
Take a look at After each move is a graph of the evaluation at different depths. Evaluations can very significantly! I tend to put more faith in the evaluations when they are consistent at the <14 depth
There couldn't possibly be something better than lichess. Nothing at all (Please stop holding that gun to my head thibault merci)
If you're fine downloading stuff, you might do better to get your own Chess GUI for analysis. Arena is one I use, you're able to configure all sorts of stuff, like setting a specific depth, or a time per move, or even which engine you analyze with. (You'll need to download Stockfish separately.)
I don't want to tell you ( Opening Analysis depth 60+)

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