
The Quadruple Queen Game of Shame

- 29 blunders
- 2 queens for each player
- incredible display of legitimate idiocy under pressure
- Timeout victory after blundering from guaranteed win to a drawn position


PS - if you have any advice on how not to suck after playing over 1,000 blitz games, I'm all ears!
31 Qxb5+ is a simple win. In a won position: simplify.
besides the million missed opportunities while the pawns were marching (e.g. 52. Qe3+, 53. Qxb3), 64. QxQ is a trivial win too. You have a battery, you can ram him down.

At least you were the first to spot 60. QxQ after the back and forth of blunders there, might not be A-level play but you can congratulate yourself for that.
I'm more impressed he lost on time in a +2 increment game with 9 seconds on the clock
He clearly was looking for some defence and he did not find any, so he lost on time.

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