
Fauna couldn't take Biboo's criticism and walked out

My ears hurt
I only have two questions

Do we really want to antagonise caffeine?
Why can't we all just get along?
Can someone explain me why one of the characters have a M16?

There was a casting error, definitely, the strikes in Hollywood are significant...
@Toadofsky said in #1:
> Obviously, tea is the superior beverage.

As an English person, I can confirm, tea is better. Also, coffee tastes disgusting.
Avoiding or accepting the challenges is better than destructive interactions. Trying to understand is the first step. I drink both tea and coffee. Neither is better, but one of them could be worse. Especially if you have an ulcer.
@QueenRosieMary said in #7:
> As an English person, I can confirm, tea is better. Also, coffee tastes disgusting.

I appreciate the British support on the tea debate!

I feared finding myself alone against everyone... Lol
On a serious note, I used to think I had a heart condition because I had chest pain all the time.
It turned out to be chronic hyperventilation which was caused by drinking (too much) caffeine.
I stopped drinking coffee and my chest pains were gone.

I thought i'd share it, maybe it helps a coffee drinker.

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