
sudden rating decrease

has anyone else noticed that something has happened with ratings?

i was playing consistently in the 1600 range for blitz then all the sudden 2-3 days ago i can't win shit, and my rating is down under 1500. was there an adjustment that recently happened? i know i'm terrible in general, but when you're getting top 10 in the u1700 then 2 days later are getting schooled by 1400 players you have to go wtf
yea 200 point reduction in 2 days. something is up. do they do adjustments of ratings to bring the median back to 1500? how does this happen?
im down but i think its cause im not feeling well... my play , and creativity has suffered
My advice to you is not to focus on your rating.

It's a reflection of your skill level and not the knowledge itself. All they tell you is the win probability of player A over player B. You can be 1500 rated and play a '1900' rated game. The same goes for the reverse. Just try to play good moves.

I can assure you two days is way too small for any significant change to occur to the system. Upswings and downswing happen to everybody and if yours are much larger than everybody else then it's because you're playing far worse than you normally do.

Try not to think of your rating and instead improve your understanding of the game itself. In order to play the best moves you need to have a solid grasp of what makes a move good in the first place. Work on tactics and read about strategy then I promise your rating will climb naturally and without effort.
yea that all sounds nice, but getting destroyed by 1400 players when you could beat 1700 just a day ago, certainly seems like something has occured in the system. i read they have done adjustments to keep 1500 as the midpoint, and i noticed that even though i was 1630, i was in the 53 percentile or something ,so i would bet a rating shift has occured to bring that midpoint back to 1500

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