
An instance of double standards by Lichess Mods?

In a tournament chat I said, "Americans are bad at English, they do not know how to spell." It was normally received in chat and none of the Mods timed me out.

Just a few hours later in another tournament chat I said, "Chinese are bad at English, they do not know how to spell." This time around there was agitation in chat (I'm assuming from some Chinese users) and I was timed out of chat by a Mod for 15 minutes.

So... "Americans are bad at English, they do not know how to spell." is totally fine, but "Chinese are bad at English, they do not know how to spell." is unacceptable and a time-outable offense??

Does this look like double standards or not?
That means that the first time no one reported it but they did the second time.
the difference here is that most/many americans are native english speakers, but most chinese are not.

"chinese people are bad at Chinese, they do not know how to spell" => sort of funny, a bit dumb as well though.
"Americans are bad at Chinese, they do not know how to spell" => it's not their native language, don't be a dick.
@glbert it's a statement judging the proficiency in a language. There was no insult. If that statement is "being a dick" then it a real pity
why are you even surprised about infuriating other users with the 2nd statement. Both mod actions were in accordance with public reaction. You posted the 2nd message for testing purposes only anyway, so you deserved it.

If anything, some chat mod who doesn't interpret your 1st message as joke might time you out already.
It is very rude to make fun of the way someone speaks a foreign language.
Look at it like this. You can say Britney Spears is the best and Justin Bieber is the worst, or vice versa, or in this case both. However, you can't say a deaf person (at least by birth) is a terrible singer. You can't say midgets are terrible basketball players either. You understand now?
One event doesn’t prove anything, unless it’s extremely suspicious.
@FastStrike said in #5:
> @glbert it's a statement judging the proficiency in a language. There was no insult. If that statement is "being a dick" then it a real pity
Alright. It's the same as calling a GM "they're bad at chess, they don't know how the pieces move" vs someone who has nothing to do with chess "they're bad...".

The first can be received as funny while the latter won't; that makes the difference. Still, that's a statement of observation, I'll give you that, but then you need to provide proof, else it's plain slander, so to speak -- all the more so if it came out of nowhere (you didn't specify how the situation developed, it sounds as though you were conducting a social experiment, so we lack info there).

In your defense, when you say "Americans" it doesn't necessarily indicate the US citizens, but the people of the whole continent (south & north)... Again, mainly it might be perceived as referring to the US folks unless specified in the given context where English (their mother language) is the topic -- and if that's the sole reason you weren't timed out, as you claim to be the case, then the other way around, meaning the whole should be timed out for every country there lol

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