
why do we need to complete the captcha before we post astray in the forum?

Like @ReallyClueless said, it's to prevent bots to post ads and spam messages. It's similar to when sites ask you to select all squares that contain a certain image.
i personally don't, i use a bot combined with stockfish to do it for me
It's mainly to increase the amount of time required for a post. In addition, the CAPTCHA offers an opportunity to avoid sending a message full of strong emotion by making you think about what the post will accomplish. I think this post will accomplish something.
Finally, the CAPTCHA encourages longer posts and prevents spam.
me:is about to post in this topic. Chess CAPTCHA:Qxf7 #The most common answer
<Comment deleted by user>
To allow even bad players like myself to checkmate once in a while.

That being said, I've just looked at it and the way it is implemented suggests, that this isn't a measure against spam-bots so much as a measure to make people think at least 1 second before they post. Technically it isn't a ""Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart" (CAPTCHA), because all necessary information lays there, nicely structured, to be picked up by an engine.

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