
insight bug?

I have some games played with C41 opening as black that does not show in stats. Could it be possible to take a look at it?
Were they rated games? Only rated games show up on insights.
Don't the rated games need to be analyzed by Stockfish before they get dumped into the 'Insights' data? Try requesting a computer analysis on one of your C41 rated games and see afterwards if it gets brought into Insights.

At least from my experience, I think this is how it works.

I looked at it for some time and no matter what changes I made to the Filter, I could not get any C41 Philidor Defense games to show up in the Openings Summary.

I think you're right - that there is a bug...
Yeah, I have the same issue. I raised it here, emailed support and raised it in the chat channel. No response from official people at all.

In response to a different enquiry, I noticed a comment in discord from one of the admins that no reply means "f*** off".

So, I'm still not sure if it's a bug or a feature. :)
I'm having similar issues with insights too. Some filters/dimensions seem to work fine, and then for others it looks like it's using just a tiny sample of my games.

For example, I can set it to Move Time by Color and I see many thousands of moves for each White and Black.

When I change it to Avg Centipawn Loss by Color I see less than 1000 for each White and Black.

If I further filter to games from the last 2 weeks the White metric disappears altogether!! As if I've only played as black, and only a couple hundred moves at that.

Opening recent games and running an analysis doesn't change anything.

Is insights just broken??

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