Is the entire universe existing only in the infinite mind of the creator?
( My reading progression has me immersed in Hermetic philosophy at the moment)
Thibault's pretty cool but I wouldn't call him infinite.
I'm pretty sure the experts say that the universe is expanding, so it can't be infinite. More accurate would be to say that the empty space that the universe is expanding into is infinite.
Apparently the big bang didn't happen now!, so I expect it will come to pass that the universe is no longer infinite, then I expect they'll say that they were wrong about this to, and they were right the first time around (with alot of books sold in the meantime no doubt. :).
I failed an infinite number of times to get to 2400 bullet :(
A few thoughts on infinity and the cosmos
As mentioned above cosmology and the big bang theory have come into a difficulty following the JWST discovery of extremely red shifted ( very old) galaxies which are massive and well organized and occurring at such an early time that cosmologists are some what baffled at their existence as they shouldn't be possible at such an early time.
This has led physicist Roger Penrose to develop a theory that the universe is cyclical with a big bang followed by a big crunch followed by a big bang etc. ad infinitum and that such galaxies may be remnants of an earlier universe. A speculative theory which does explain the existence of these galaxies.
On the topic of "empty" space there is the theory of the quantum foam,virtual particles, the existence of a sublying universal energy field,the quantum flux of the universe so to speak and that empty space is not empty at all
As to the universe expanding into empty space there is no empty space to expand into as the universe by definition is all that exists.
There is not such thing as space but more properly space /time. It is unclear ( to me at least) if space/ time can exist independently of matter and gravitation.
Cosmologists are also struggling to explain the increasing rate of expansion of the universe with the Hubble constant being not so constant after all.
Some theories attribute this to dark matter and energy which may not exist but are currently construed as the greater part of the universe.
The theories of the multiverse and the spawning of baby universes from our own ( also known as the bubble theory ) have also been proposed.
You may want to look into the work of Hubble,Zwicky ( who first proposed dark matter when it was discovered the spin rate of galaxies was too fast to hold together given the mass of observable stars within them),and Penrose. Macchio Kaku ( American physicist) has some interesting videos covering such topics and has written several books addressing some of these topics.
As you can tell I've always had an interest in modern cosmology going back as far as Hubble,The Realm of the Nebulae . I still remember reading about the discovery of quasars in this little magazine (6×9 format) called Science Digest. Of course I've read all of Hawkins popular books though I will admit to not being mathematically inclined or informed enough to understand current theories in their entirety.
As to infinity I do think it is important to remember infinity is not a number but an idea and is not subject to normal rules but still useful in differential calculus ( which as you know is an approximation much as a digital analysis of an analog signal is not exact) and other fields.
I do believe the big bang theory is essentially correct remembering that all theories are subject to revision and expansion.
I also have always had an unquenchable curiosity about this mystery in which we find ourselves.
'When the doors of perception are cleansed, all will appear to man (or woman) as it is, infinite-" - William Blake. (Or as Keagen Michael-Key might say, Belake.)
imagination is infinite,nothing else,there is spagetti in the black hole
Listed in order of increasing size:
1. The integers
2. The real numbers
3. The power set of the real numbers
4. Your mom
@grammalu_son said in #3:
> I'm pretty sure the experts say that the universe is expanding, so it can't be infinite.
These two things are not linked. The universe could be both infinite and expanding. However, if the universe is infinite we still don't know.
> More accurate would be to say that the empty space that the universe is expanding into is infinite.
No, the universe is not expanding into "empty space". There is no "space" outside of the universe's borders. This is a common misconception.