
Swiss tournaments are on Lichess

I had a problem in Swiss manager that it showed my one player 3 times and excluded others.
I looked at the TRF file and noticed that the "Inititial Rank" order is not correct.
I corrected the order to be in sequence and the players pulled in correctly.
These were two players both with rank "1500?"
I think the file did not know how to sort it properly and unfortunately it is important to be sorted right.
I hope this feedback will help to fix the file?
Hi all! Swiss tournaments are now a wonderful new dimension for scholastic players - early reviews are all positive. Even the repeat bye is not a big deal.

I would like to suggest 3 improvements:

1) Enable password protection (for section management).
2) Enable rating cutoffs.
3) Add Team Battle functionality, so that multiple teams could participate, and teammates would avoid playing one another. This would be the way forward for scholastic championships.

A simplified version of (3) would be to allow the organizer to specify "forbidden" pairings (to avoid pairing schoolmates), similar to what allows.

Thank you.
Found an interesting bug - my test Swiss event ( had 5 players, and I threw a few withdrawals/reentries in there. The tournament went to a round 5 (even though there are only 5 players), and now the tournament page is completely blank - is it in an illegal state?
The swiss feature is an amazing feature but I think it got miscarried from to so that is why bugs are occurring I think.
we can see only 5 tournament in the front page.
For example our tournament wasn't in the front page and nobody can know that we played in that time to join with us.
Can you show more tournaments in the list expecially if it is OPEN.
I also would like to suggest Chat Feature in swiss, if we have large numbers of players is become terrible so if moderator can add the option for group chat on/off that would be so helpful.

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