
Was covid manmade? Will it mutate forever?

>And „drugs“ have never and will never work against viruses.
Drugs like Remedisiver do stop other natural viruses like Sars from multiplying inside your body by putting an artificial non working Rna in the middle which interrupts production of the virus . All viruses (natural) had been known to stop multipying when one of their nucleotides has been implanted dormant / artificial / non working which is not the case with Covid . Wuhan Virus is capable of removing its non working nucleotide
Of course , With drugs i was not referring to vaccines

1) It explicitly states, "British intelligence agencies believe COVID-19 Chinese lab leak theory 'feasible'" - it doesn't state anything conclusive,
2) There's not a single mention of 'bioweapon.'
3) That isn't a report

Did you even read your own link?

I know that it will be foolish to call it a bioweapon. China didn't test it on humans, anyways not 100 humans for a exact probability. So it's simple, China didn't knew the death rate.
#65 Of course he didn't read his own link. Find the information that supports your claim, and then click the "x" in the upper right corner of your screen.
@chummer said in #65:
> @Mahith1708
> 1) It explicitly states, "British intelligence agencies believe COVID-19 Chinese lab leak theory 'feasible'" - it doesn't state anything conclusive,
> 2) There's not a single mention of 'bioweapon.'
> 3) That isn't a report
> Did you even read your own link?
once lab leak is proven then only it can be proven that it is a bio-weapon anway do you know more than a scientist who says he will return his nobel price if it is not a bioweapon and do you know better than a chinesise
@Mahith1708 Once again, another link doesn't prove your claim.

1) She doesn't have a Nobel
2) She's a Hong Konger with no ties to tha mainland or Wuhan, and
3) "But an MIT peer review said the claims were not adequately proved and that the "work is defamatory, grossly negligent, and ethically dubious"."

Fling more shit at the wall. Maybe something will eventually stick. Frankly you should be embarrassed by your lack of intellectual honesty and reasoning capability. Hell, just work in your reading comprehension would be a good start.
@chummer she doesnt have a nobel pice i meant a french virogiust who has a nobel price said this you should be ashamed of falling pray to chinese propanda

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