
Syzygy Tablebase ShailChoski

I have had a bot for a while now: @lol7241Bot
I have just recently realised that the engine, especially lc0, is rather bad at endgames. (The trickiest and most common was knight vs queen with my bot having the queen.) All of them were winning until leela blundered into a draw...
So I decided to download the 3-4-5 tablebase. How do I implement it into my bot?
So, in the config file I found the "egtpath" and "syzygy" paths.
For reference:
# xboard_options: # arbitrary xboard options passed to the engine
# cores: "4"
# memory: "4096"
# egtpath: "egtpath" # dir containing egtb, relative to this project
# gaviota: "Gaviota path"
# nalimov: "Nalimov Path"
# scorpio: "Scorpio Path"
# syzygy: "Syzygy Path"
I uncommented the "egtpath" and changed it to the folder: "egtpath" as you can see above...
Then uncommented the "Syzygy" path.

This is the directory for the tablebase: C:\Users\***********\lichess-bot-master\egtpath\syzygy
And when I launched there was a bunch of errors.
Does anyone know how to do this correctly?

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