
For bullet chess how do u move the mouse fast enough?

Bullet chess isn't really chess. It's 50% skill, 50% speed, where 3+0 is 85% skill, 15% speed in my opinion. @Fates2

You can't judge the quality of a time control based off a single player's experience, even if it's the world champion. Magnus is so good that his bullet abilities would crush everyone below 2400 with rapid odds online. All that you've shown is that Magnus is too strong.
@InfiniteFlash ,
Good point of view , though I disagree.

You should say things like that to a ULTRABULLET-BERSERK tournament , where the players believe that 7.5 secs is too much!! Haha!!
Yeah, 7.5 sec is too much time. I don't like playing that slow. 3.75 sec would have been better! :D
When we eat our lunch or supper, do we just swallow it all up in less than 2 minutes?
Well playing chess is the same as tasting or sampling food or drinks.
Chess needs to be tasted before capturing every piece, not gulped.
To do that, one must take their time to savor the positions.
Each position is like a sample, that needs to be appreciated.

Gulp your cold desert too fast and get a brain freeze
Well in a blitz game, it's similar to a brain freeze when gulping pieces too quickly.

Some might like the brain freeze effect, but I prefer longer time controls. I try to enjoy playing the game of chess at a slower pace and I can say, I discovered what others are truly sampling in slower games. To discover what others have discovered in slower paced games, you must be ready to sample the games without using assistance of any kind and then analyze the game to discover the weaknesses that were played out. Then be able to share your views about the game with others. A blitz game is only a win. Nothing really to talk about.

If learning was made to be done quickly, all our schooling would have been done like a blitz game. Blitz games test memory more than knowledge. Blitz games create habits that could hinder a player if they play slower paced games. Blitz is quantity over quality and slower paced games is quality over quantity. Time is less relevant in slower paced games. You get the time to ponder. Blitz games removes most of the second guessing of a move. There is nearly no time to second guess a move.

Being always tested by blitz games does not seam to be the best way to learn or enjoy a chess meal.

The mouse is held like a spoon is for eating.
Toscani I think 3 0 is the worst time control --- it's neither chess nor time scramble. Either 5 0 minimum or go for bullet, or ultra bullet.

You can learn through speed/pattern recognition, with faster time controls, and through analysis with longer ones.

3 0 is effectively neither.
What rubblechess said is off-topic but I completely agree. I'm only capable of thinking extremely fast (premoving / <1 second per move), or activating energizer bunny and thinking a few minutes per move. No in between... so I avoid 3+0.

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