
Should I Play 1.d4?

I have heard (from a much better chess player) that it can take longer for Black to equalize against 1. d4 than 1. e4. This would suggest that 1. d4 is more dangerous in some cases. Now, I could be wrong--please correct me if this is the case. I am guessing that GMs aren't really afraid of 1. d4 either way--they see all sorts of different openings, and many of them take it in stride.

I would like to learn more about 1. d4...I would also like to improve my 1. e4 play against defenses such as the Sicilian. Well, thanks for reading my response. I hope I can learn more about this great game.
Thanks for sharing these ideas, Max. Here are my 2¢: after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c5 4.d5, sophisticated Benoni players know about the idea to play an early e4 without Nc3 and delay the exchange on d5 with 4...d6 to spoil it. The most reputable continuation then is 5.Nc3 exd5 6.cxd5, transposing back to the main lines.

Maybe White can try 5.e4?! anyway, adding another pawn sac to the repertoire? This looks like fun in bullet, and on Lichess it has been played a few thousand times already, but for OTB games with long time controls it is probably not quite good enough.