
Please explain my mistakes. I'm just centralizing pawns

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@RomyJaswal Actually No any mistakes, But One I found is that don't give knight and bishop for rook and pawn, It's Losing, Knight and bishop are powerful than rook and pawn, Besides it, Good game, And Nice End By giving sweet double attack by queen 👍
#1 Move 18 you could have been up an exchange (19.Qxc6)
The exchange of bishop and knight on f7 for rook and pawn (even though it 'looks' good as it is formally level on material and brings the King to f7) is almost always wrong.

In the early middle game the B+N is better than the rook as they can do fun things while the rook has no open file to play on.
When you play e4, most of the times the lightsquare bishop is the good bishop. You need to take good care of him in case you do need a queen bishop battery attacking either f7 or h7. The knight also help to attack those squares.

Though technically the position is unbalanced, but with just about the same worth of material after you traded those 2 pieces. You actually lost a lot there. Your bishop moved to c4. Nf3, Ng5, Nxf7 Bxf7. 5 tempos bro.
Black only did 0-0 and Rxf7, he only moved the rook twice.

2 attackers for 1 defender. Lost at least 2 tempos if you want to count the king recapture, and now you have no attack.

Black messed up after, but imagine he played correctly. Whats the justification for no attack and 2 lost tempos as white? You should have no material advantage, certainly no positional advantage and no attack. You had nothing going on.

I mean, sure, everyone blunders, you will win and lose a fair share of games because of that, but you shouldnt play for a blunder, you should play to win by force, but that will never happen is you have no attack, pressure, initiative or any kind of measurable advantage. Specially if opening e4, which is designed to attack asap.

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