
How can I opt out of playing against cheaters?

I am sorry if this question has already been answered elsewhere. I looked for a solution, but didn't find one.

I wonder if I can somehow prevent players who use computer help from playing with me. Quite often I notice the cheater flag before the game starts, then I abort the game. But sometimes I don't. I usually resign unrated games then, but that is in nobody's interest. There must be something in the settings.
Thanks a lot for your answers. I really think that there should be such an option. Until then I will make it a habit to check each opponent before I make my first move. Playing rated games is no solution, as quite often I just want to play unrated.
Playing rated is the only solution. Cheats can't play rated.

A filter function for non-rated would be a good suggestion for improvement though.
@blackzombie #5 There is a filter option: if you click on the top right of the game section on the homepage, you can filter on variant, time control, rating and rated/casual.
#6 LOL I meant a fiter for filtering out cheats. Check the headline!
My advice is to play rated.

Your online rating is only a number. It does not mean anything. Having a high rating does not mean you are a better person. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The most important part is imo to have fun.
More cheaters in rated than anything, yeah they are "trying," but if you want less cheating go play OTB. And in the future, if you want less cheating, play OTB with people you trust under strict tournament conditions, because cheating is reaching OTB play more and more each year.

So the idea of "playing rated to avoid cheating" is FM= fucking mental.

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