
Geoguesser (Lite Version)

So I'll send you guys some pictures you need to guess the place (the city, country) , you don't need to be accurate but you have to try getting closer and closer.
The first picture could be somewhere in East or South East Asia. South Korea or China maybe? I take that from the curved roof of the building on the left that somehow looks Asian.

The second picture looks like Middle Europe. I don't think it is from Germany - it just doesn't give 'German vibes'. A city in Poland perhaps?
My guesses (probably very wrong)

1 Japan, greater Tokyo
2 Poland, Warsaw
@Katzenschinken said in #4:
> The first picture could be somewhere in East or South East Asia. South Korea or China maybe? I take that from the curved roof of the building on the left that somehow looks Asian.
> The second picture looks like Middle Europe. I don't think it is from Germany - it just doesn't give 'German vibes'. A city in Poland perhaps?
@Ayushman_C said in #3:
> Germany?

Probably not Germany because privacy laws there limit google street view.
@Filfthy said in #8:
> Probably not Germany because privacy laws there limit google street view.

Street view is also available in Germany. However, I think that as a house owner you can demand from Google that they blur the image of your property. Other than that I see no real difference compared to street view in other countries.
@Katzenschinken said in #9:
> Street view is also available in Germany. However, I think that as a house owner you can demand from Google that they blur the image of your property. Other than that I see no real difference compared to street view in other countries.

I haven't played goegussr much recently but I played a lot a couple of years ago and Germany rarely appeared in it so I inscinctively never guess Germany unless there is some overwhelming clues. So it may be Geoguessr policy