
8. Ke2!?

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What he played is called the hippo defense. It is uncommon so you should probably not worry about it. What he played is actually normal in the main line for the hippo defense. As I said before you should probably not worry about it.
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I personally like to use my pawns to take control of the center if my opponent does not, so I would have played 3. f4, but your move is of course perfectly legitimate. In the game, you ended up with your king on c1, as if you had castled queenside, but you took five moves to get it there. I don't think that castling would have left you vulnerable - Black didn't have nearly as good a setup as a Najdorf or Dragon player might, and queenside castling is a viable option even then. I would have castled queenside and tried to break open the center. 9.e5 would probably fail to d5, but you could drop your knight back and play f4, since he can't play f6 for fear of exposing his king. Etc.
When black is playing so passively you should try to take more space with c4 or f4 before developing your knight on that file. Instead you allowed black to get an ideal setup with c5 and getting all of his pieces active.

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