
LiChess loads extremely slowly

I'm not sure if it's my settings or if LiChess is affected by a bug. Since today LiChess loads extremely slowly and freezes again and again while loading. I can access other homepages without any problems. I use Chrome on Windows 10. Does anyone have any tips?
Yes, I have the same experience. Ok, I have a slow connection, but still.
Including graphics on the start page maybe the sin in this formerly so slender page.
I have found loading tournament pages of inter-school team battles I run has started going so slowly that Chrome asks me if I wish to wait.
It gets annoying when people stylize 'lichess' as 'Li-Chess', or even 'LiChess'
@parkrunner said in #4:
> I have found loading tournament pages of inter-school team battles I run has started going so slowly that Chrome asks me if I wish to wait.

have you tried a different

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