
To get better at chess, is this necessary ?

Hello Everyone, I’m a professional chess player with a fide rating of around 1500.....I’m currently in 9th grade/standard, and my 10th is gonna start very soon.....So I would like to ask that should I drop the next year (stay in 9th class) so that I can focus more on chess and reach 1800 or 2000 fide rating by the end of next year and then promote to 10th ?
I’m asking this also because If I started 10th then most probably I would have to take a break from chess, (Because of my boards I’d have to pay more attention to my studies.)
Plz give some opinions so that I can decide what to do and how that decision can/will affect my future life......
Thnx :)
What do you mean when you say you are a professional chess player? It reads like you are rather a professional school kid with chess as a hobby.

I certainly wouldn't cancel school at this point.
@Iam-aHappy_Guy said in #1:
In my opinion, I would NOT stay behind if I had the choice to. You can still find some time in the 10th grade, even though there may be even more work. Some people may even ridicule you for staying behind.
They would be right to ridicule you if you stay behind because you want to improve your chess. It's a dumb idea. Focus on your studies.
@nadjarostowa said in #2:
> What do you mean when you say you are a professional chess player? It reads like you are rather a professional school kid with chess as a hobby.
> I certainly wouldn't cancel school at this point.
I just meant that I don’t play chess just as a hobby, i.e. I want to achieve the title of a GM or an IM at least in chess.....As It’s already been about 2-3 yrs. that I started playing chess.....
Btw wdym by ‘ professional school kid ‘ ??
@Iam-aHappy_Guy if your 1500 after 3 years I’d say professionally chess isn’t for you. If you want to become a master I’m sure you can but I highly wouldn’t recommend dropping out of school to pursue chess
@Iam-aHappy_Guy said in #1:
> Hello Everyone, I’m a professional chess player with a fide rating of around 1500.....I’m currently in 9th grade/standard, and my 10th is gonna start very soon.....So I would like to ask that should I drop the next year (stay in 9th class) so that I can focus more on chess and reach 1800 or 2000 fide rating by the end of next year and then promote to 10th ?
> I’m asking this also because If I started 10th then most probably I would have to take a break from chess, (Because of my boards I’d have to pay more attention to my studies.)
> Plz give some opinions so that I can decide what to do and how that decision can/will affect my future life......
> Thnx :)
These schools are no big thing, I'm 10th grader, my board exam's next month, still I'm scrolling around lichess forums. Besides, these school studies are ridiculously easy, you don't have to drop at 9th that would be pretty meaningless! You can study and still improve at chess. Depends on your time management. Good luck! :D
@Iam-aHappy_Guy said in #5:
> I just meant that I don’t play chess just as a hobby, i.e. I want to achieve the title of a GM or an IM at least in chess.....As It’s already been about 2-3 yrs. that I started playing chess.....
> Btw wdym by ‘ professional school kid ‘ ??

I mean if you go to school at the moment, that is your main responsibility (profession).

There is nothing wrong with trying to become good at chess. But keep in mind that the number of players who make it to GM is very limited. And usually young players still attend school, sometimes maybe home schooling is an option. And they were probably rated 800 Elo higher at that age.

You don't necessary need to become a GM to make a career in chess, and on the other hand being a GM will not guarantee you any income. So some sort of solid school foundation may be useful either way.
If you want to achieve a GM or IM title than this website effective courses, podcasts and blogs can help you and I am telling this because they have proof of this they have many success stories like how a kid has improved from 1900 to 2400
@nadjarostowa said in #8:
> I mean if you go to school at the moment, that is your main responsibility (profession).
> There is nothing wrong with trying to become good at chess. But keep in mind that the number of players who make it to GM is very limited. And usually young players still attend school, sometimes maybe home schooling is an option. And they were probably rated 800 Elo higher at that age.
> You don't necessary need to become a GM to make a career in chess, and on the other hand being a GM will not guarantee you any income. So some sort of solid school foundation may be useful either way.

Yes that's right, being a GM does not guarantee any income, But then why do most people want to become a GM? They either have to become SuperGMs like World champions or they shouldn't even desire to be one.....Nothing else in between the two? Is that right ?

@Dheeraj_keshari Thnx for the info. I’ll check it out :)

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