
MAGA celebrates Trump's dumbest Tariffs

@Decaffeinated said in #13:
> Wait, are all you guys here hyper-capitalists?

What is that question supposed to mean? Are you suggesting (as the hardcore MAGA dumbfucks like to do) that anyone who opposes the orange clown must be a damn commie?
But to relieve your burning need to know if you are dealing with the red wave here: I prefer capitalism and free trade.

> Barriers to trade protect local industry and help local employment rates dramatically.

This is a very simplistic view. In most cases it stifles efficiency and endorses high prices for shitty products. Producers are encouraged to do nothing, to not invest in research and development and in bettering their products. They can sell their crap and just cash in because they don't need to compete with the world.

> I can't imagine where Korea would be right now if we didn't have a wide variety of tariffs on agricultural products that helps us to maintain the agrarian sector oft he economy as well as fishing.

1) South Korea would be nowhere if Western countries slapped high tariffs on, say, electronics or ships during the second half of the 20th century. That's where South Korea earned a lot of money and became a strong economy, by selling these products to Europe and America. Not with agricultural products.

2) Agriculture is kind of a special branch because a lot of countries are protecting their farmers with tariffs. Not only South Korea but also the EU and other countries.

> Moreover, even successful mega-corporations are dependent on these sorts of tariffs because they help generate greater profits at home that enable being more competitive abroad...

Simply not true. If a company is, as you say, a mega corporation it will be much more dependent on sales abroad than on domestic sales. If their domestic market is protected by tariffs and the other countries react with tariffs themselves then this will hurt the company, not benefit it.

> it also will help resolve crazy stuff, like how the United States is a net exporters of petrol, but still imports millions and millions of barrels of oil today from Canada & Mexico. It doesn't really make sense to not use oil domestically, while it makes all the sense in the world to apply pressure to Mexico & Canada to help in securing the border.

What exactly is so crazy about it? Americans are selling cars to the world but they are also buying cars from the world. Every business and every consumer makes his own decisions what to buy, where to buy and for which price. If you want to centralize the decision who has to buy from whome then go and live in a socialist or a communist country.
@Cheshire_the_Maomao said in #14:
> Yes, tariff protects domestic production - that is the basic concept of economics.

Only if you are a simpleton who only thinks in primitive 'when A then B' relations.

> President is doing what is correct fot American people, not necessarily Canadians or Mexicans. "They help generate greater profits at home that enable being more competitive abroad",

LOL. Simpleton thinking.

> that's enough.

Simpleton thinking.
It's all early days yet, he's only been in a month, and those tariffs do seem to get things moving rather quickly though don't they, and they are not necessarily permanent either.
The way things were before was haemorrhaging vast amounts of tax payers money on utter rubbish all over the place, well that mess all has to be cleaned up initially, which they are doing as we speak, it's simply that the days of others extracting the urine are over now, and it will initially be a bumpy ride, but good grief, it will be way better than what it was.
Free speech back, government not being weaponised against the people back, actively trying to end various wars (and succeeding), the list is too long to write, and all in only a few weeks, what happened in the last four years of note, that was good and or helped save thousands of people's lives from being lost in wars or hard drugs?. :).
@ThunderClap said in #22:
> Amazing how horrible Trump is doing the last 6 weeks & for that matter his whole life

That's what I can't understand. His sheer incompetence is for the whole world to see. Not only that he is a notorious bankrupt and a lifelong liar and braggart. But his idiotic decisions through his first term - be it his multi-trillion dollar tax cut for the rich or be it his reaction to Covid - should have told every American that it might not be the best idea to vote this certified moron into the Oval Office a second time.

But nooo, the turkeys went on and voted for Christmas anyway. And now that he is really fucking up things they are still applauding. What remains to be seen is for how long.
Kim Jong Don at the State of the Union: "The first month of our presidency is the most successful in the history of our nation!"

Yeah, right! America had to wait for 250 long years until the stable genius arrived and performed his magic. Unfortunately he didn't really lay out how the latest Fed estimate of 2.8 percent GDP shrinkage can be called successful. But I am certain that he or his MAGA brown-nosers will provide us with a convincing explanation within the next days.
@Katzenschinken said in #26:
> Kim Jong Don at the State of the Union: "The first month of our presidency is the most successful in the history of our nation!"
> Yeah, right! America had to wait for 250 long years until the stable genius arrived and performed his magic. Unfortunately he didn't really lay out how the latest Fed estimate of 2.8 percent GDP shrinkage can be called successful. But I am certain that he or his MAGA brown-nosers will provide us with a convincing explanation within the next days.

250 years is about the age of some of the people still claiming benefits off of the state under the old system, one apparently was like 300 years old and money was still being paid out to that person, so that guy was older than America and no one before noticed this amongst many other similar red flags. :).
@Decaffeinated said in #13:

> it also will help resolve crazy stuff, like how the United States is a net exporters of petrol, but still imports millions and millions of barrels of oil today from Canada & Mexico. It doesn't really make sense to not use oil domestically, while it makes all the sense in the world to apply pressure to Mexico & Canada to help in securing the border.

The Canadian oil is of a different kind than the US one - and the US refinaries are built to process the Canadian one.

So I guess your master plan is burn down for like 10 billion of refinaries and then just not use gas while the new refineries are getting built? lol

Alternatively because they already built refineries for Canadian oil,gas will just be more expensive now because of the tariffs.
@Katzenschinken said in #29:
> That has now been reported countless times. But I guess it still doesn't get through into MAGA circles.

Oh it certainly has got through, as it was they who discovered it, enormous amounts of taxpayers money being wasted both at home and abroad which has apparently been going on for years, it will obviously take time to reep the benefits of these findings, being that Trumps only been in for six weeks. Plus some tariffs are also about preventing "Fentanyl" getting into America, so now something is likely to be done about it, helping save many lives and Family distress in stride. :).