
Who is the best player in lichess (Misunderstanding)

are you aware that this thread is in game analysis? Either way, You don't have to make a new thread about another thread, we can move on from it now; the topic is closed anyways.
the best player in lichess, its the most active and friendly player;)

but if you ask who is the best chess player on lichess, then i dont know, probably magnus

depends on which variation
Not sure if there is a specific answer, there are leaderboards for each variant

Bullet? The best player is Magnus
Blitz? The best player is Konevlad - I don't think Magnus plays blitz often.
Rapid? The best player is Drvitman, Magnus doesn't play rapid

Maybe Magnus, but we'll never know?
It can also depend on what variant you're talking about. Some players (like me) can be good at rapid, but can suck at bullet because they aren't used to the fast time control.

Soon enough, this will turn into a fight about who's the best, so we can leave it at this, without a 100% clear answer! I found this at which shows the leaderboard, so I'm not getting this out of thin air (of course). Maybe you can just look at that and get your answer for now, because this thread is completely useless especially its in Game Analysis. Put this in general chess discussion instead!

You may would like to read forum ettiquette before posting something random like this

It took me only 3 minutes to write ! ;)
(typing skills lol)
First tell the criteria used to describe 'best player' since the word 'best' is subjective and the responses will vary from person to person.
If by rating over all variants including standard, then (@)DrNykterstein, aka, Magnus Carlsen.

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