
Notification sound

When I'm in the Lobby waiting for a game I like to close my eyes to rest them from too much screen viewing. Unfortunately the notification sound doesn't play until white makes the first move, instead of, as it used to be, sounding a notification that someone had accepted my game. As a result I sometimes don't notice that a game has started, and I default as White.
Would it be possible to change it back to the way it was before? A warning sounds as soon as a game offer has been accepted, not waiting for the first move. Thanks for your time.
The sound not playing is usually because your browser is blocking it due to autoplay prevention. You should be able to add an exception for Lichess to allow it to play again. Or if you have allowed push notifications for Lichess in your browser, you also get one of those if you aren't focused on the game page when the game starts.
Well, it plays OK. But it plays when White makes the first move - not, as previously, when the game is accepted.
If I'm White I don't hear a sound until I move.
@koh-i-noor For Firefox, try giving the site autoplay permission via Ctrl+I = Page Info -> Permissions. For Chrome, add to the allowed list on chrome://settings/content/sound (which implicitly gives it auto-play permission).

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