
No Racism on Lichess - all over the globe count the same! ☮️

why so many go on a side way - arguing if English speaking persons are ok - of course they are ok! - like all other language speaking persons. That was not the point at all.
this thread is about that no one should forbid the other one to speak in a chat in his own language with his friends.
That's all :)

if you use chrome, right button translate to "language"
well I don't know ... I use it and it helps me read them all ..
pd: also write these lines
Hello all. I normally don't delve into topics of Racism, politics or religion due to my respect of other human beings' opinions; the caveat to this is if it becomes harmful to people, that I do not condone. As an English speaking American my perception of why this site and many others require English only in forums etc is due to the fact that most Americans do not speak a second language like the rest of the world. I hold all other countries in high regard for this trait that they are very bilingual. Of course, this is just my opinion and I could be very wrong in my outlook. This is my perception though.

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