
What is the best movie

Lord of the Ring for me. Forrest Gump and the Dark Knight is also good. If you like Dark Knight you could watch Joker too.
6 posts in, and there is already an impressive amount of wrongness in this thread
@clousems said in #7:
> 6 posts in, and there is already an impressive amount of wrongness in this thread

ok, last time favored one is Oppenheimer, also the book.
These are the film's in a kinda order through my life that I remember most
Watership down
Star wars. And return of the Jedi
For your eyes only , Bond
Raiders of the lost Ark
Trading places
An officer and a gentleman
Top Gun
Forest Gump
The matrix
Independence day and finally

And I forgot when I was a horny teen ,The blue lagoon lol
Demon Slayer , Spirited away , my neighbour totoro , the wind rises , one piece , your name , the wind rises, grave of the fireflies

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