
What is the most immature thing you do/ stuff you watch ? *immature as in stuff ur too big for*

Tom and Jerry
It's not the immature thing, rather it's the memories of childhood...
TELETUBBIES FOREVERR!!<33...i still make soap bubbles *shout out to my mom who wonders y do i take soooo long* XD
Watching anime that are made for "younger people"
Though there really is no such thing as "Immature to watch".
What is "Immature" is if you don't watch what you enjoy because you are afraid people will call you "Immature" .
I am a 17 year old...
But I used to watch it years ago and left watching around 14 and started watching again a year ago...
No, 'kid' are upto 5 years of age.
Then we call it 'child' upto 10 years of age.
And then we call it 'adolescent' upto 19 years of age.

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