
Without computer analysis


Thanks for the actual reply. Droidfish and SF on here give a little different answer, it looks like SF on here likes Qd6 but Droidfish gives Qc5, 31.Qg3 Rd2 followed by Qxf2 as best. I haven't done enough research to know which of the two is better. <3
30 Qd6+ (or Qc7+) Ne5 Rd5 f4 Rd2 is (to me) the cleanest way to win. If one really still needs a computer in this position with a plus rook, he needs to work on his chess.
You are being rude, and extremely, horrifyingly asinine. Are you trying to engender hate and animosity?

Lichess rules and guidelines do not mean, "be as rude and animalistic as possible without breaking the rules" they genuinely mean, be nice to nice the other players.

Blindly downvoting posts. Wonderful bruh.

Last blitz game played by this guy was a BLUNDER FEST.
I thought I wasted my time translating your fights with your opponent through Google, and I thought it was more your fault.
Yeah? Well guess what bud. It's not. Blind animosity is never a good thing and crap posts which increase it are also never good.
Do you think this is hard to understand?

"Thanks Dukedog.

Throughout this game I was defending, in the black side of a Smith Morra. Basically felt I was defending very well and in the "momentum" of the game it felt like this. By the way you can replay games at real-time, in case you didn't know.

Turns out by the computer evaluation I was quite behind, but my opponent didn't really know how to continue the attack. 19.Qa6 is a blunder, quite a doozie. It switches from way ahead for white to crushingly winning for black.

If white had traded queens and played Ng5, attacking the vulnerable f7 square, the advantage would have continued.

Here's another game where the attack got interesting after queens were off the board.

After 31...Rh4? White has the very nice maneuvre Bg5-f6, Rg7-c7, etc.... ending in winning of a piece.

This was a 10 minute game vs a 2100 on chess24. Pretty interesting and different site.

Thanks again Dukedog."

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