
Left handed Chess player vs Right handed Chess player, is our thinking different ?

I learned to be ambidextrous in OTB play with clocks. In particular playing speed chess. One hand moving your pieces and the other near the clock. You have to , as the clock maybe on your right or left. I say that, because otherwise, I always move my pieces with my right hand. Is there any info on world champions being right or left handed ? :]
But do right handed players think differently in their approach to playing moves than left handed players do on balance , regardless of whether they are super GMs or beginners.

What i mean is, logically , tactically, instinctively,

I'm not saying ones better or worse than the other or that they both can't apply the same logic,tactics or instinct.
@Skittle-Head I havn't checked to be honest if any of the elite players are left or right handed but i will do now you mention it.

And i know in some cases one has to use the same hand to move pieces as they do hitting the timer, so as you say it comes in 'handy' having good motor skills in that respect , depending on what side the timer is.

@mrchess78 sorry report me but it is too much...this is just a stupid topic...why left handed person should think different from right handed persons? it's like stupid question of some hour ago with black persons being champions...what is your life doubt? from where came this idea that left hand persons think different?....please
@LaSolitaDomenica What, does this topic somehow threaten your "All humans are equal" eutopia?

What's your problem with black people being champions?

Black people are superior at sprinting or jumping, that's demonstrated through the course of years in the Olympics, white people are superior at swimming and heavy lifting, white people have also a better endurance when running larger distances, Asians are more proficient at light to middle weight lifting, etc... etc...

Humanity had to adapt to different environments through the course of evolution, sure there are many exceptions but that is it.

Furthermore, all humans on earth have different strengths for certain fields than others, you just can't expect to force an employe to work in something he is not good at, because you think all humans are equal, that's inhuman and tyrannical, like a dictator.
@TheRightWing hahahahaha no is not my the one of a lot of persons....because people that think to be different and think different because of skins, high, weight, hand,,,,are just stupid persons
@LaSolitaDomenica Equality here equality there, it's not about equality, it's about reciprocity, a new vocabulary to your dictionary.

The problem is not always individually, the society influences the thinking scheme of a person too, there is a reason why most humans on this planet are right-handed and not left-handed, it's because of the course of evolution, who traced its lane for a reason, for instance, why do we have phobias to certain creatures like snakes, spiders, etc...? because our ancestry was killed over and over again by them through the course of millions of years of evolution, even before the homo-erectus even existed, why do some people have Trypophobia? because it resembles the appearance of a person with deadly diseases.

To think that humanity is a purely reasonable being is biased, we have our instincts and sometimes we trust them, even though we don't really know the reason behind, but our instincts save us sometimes.
@TheRightWing i like you used any case people have fear of spider, people have fear of high, people have fear of society...there is many phobia, but many of them are related to the personality of the person, the life he lived and so when you talk to me that in second world war people had to become right handed because of societal pressure, then for sure, this fact could have some effect on some trait of personality but for sure not on the capacity of rational thinking, that is the base of chess any case today, left handed persons are free to be left handed society even not a topic...
and yes i don't know why some person is left handed and other right handed...i'm personally pretty much both...but yea who care

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