
2000+ player falls for an opening trap and never recovers!

Check out my 5 0 blitz game where a 2000+ player snatches one of my poisoned pawns and never recovers after he takes it!

I realize that I did not play perfectly, but my opponent was rated 400+ points higher than me and my play was good enough to eventually checkmate him. Please post your honest opinion on this game. Thanks.

I agree with #2. He just took the wrong piece at the wrong time, which resulted in your benefit.

Anyways, congrats on your win!
Let me know when it's a 2400+ player or a non-blitz game. There's no point in posting this game IMO when he loses in one move because of a skewer. Anyways, congrats.
Let Shakespeare have his little moment. He beat a 2000 rated player in 5 0. He was David beat Goliath. Well done.
good job on your victory but everyone makes mistakes even a 2700+ can blunder badly sometimes.

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