Donate should track time to solve a puzzle

Experienced players don't care to beat every "checkmate in 1" of 400k puzzles. They have less than 2k views... Unexpected players get more inflated points from unpopular puzzles. Then they mess with other puzzles afterwards in various ways... I don't understand the whole picture.

A similar situation with ~121k back-rank checkmate puzzles... Around 70-90 percent have dozen basic ideas... I myself have seen this with about 2-3 thousand puzzles at all levels...

Naive statistical approach should be avoided. Lichess should have a policy about how many duplicates per idea, per category they should allow!!!

It's better to have a dozen puzzles per problematic category with 10-100k views than this inflated and unpopular mess, IMO...

Some chess organizations don't allow any repetition at their events... isn't the best place for them right now.
Time is better than rating as less sophisticated and universally understood.

The current approach to handle puzzles as players assumes active human players. No previous games are needed to get a time.
Current puzzles are tedious and boring for 1000-1800 FIDE's Elo players to get past because of hundreds and thousands repetitions. They don't have any limits. Only top rated puzzles have very rare repetitions. That's my user story with the biggest puzzle categories here so far.

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