
Player rated 200+ what is your Chess routine?

Title. I was curious to know what you guys did differently.
How much times did you guys do tactics?
How many books and which books you read?
How much time did you spend playing?

Oops made an error wanted to write 2000+ in the title
I don't fit the requirement but would like to answer those questions :)

How much times did you guys do tactics? - I think 500 - 1500, but I do them mostly for fun not because I think I learn alot from it. I'd rather play 10+0 games from time to time and then analyse them on Lichess.
How many books and which books you read? - 0 chess books. I'm not that much of a serious chess player.
How much time did you spend playing? - 300 - 1500 games of 10+0.

I mostly enjoy practicing endgames, I generally defeat my opponent if we get to an equal-ish endgame.
Lol I was gonna say everyone is rated above 200 :D
How much time did you do tactics - I’ve probably solved 3000+ puzzles
How many books - I haven’t read any yet but will do ;) I’ve watched a lot of youtube chess lectures tho (SLCC, chesscoachAndras)
How much time did you spend playing- I played about 700 15+10 games to get from 1400-2000 rapid
I am 2000+. (hopefully rapid counts) I play a lot in general, not recently though. I have this chess puzzle book I have at home, and I solve 24 a day. I take chess classes for an hour twice a week. And also During Games this is what I normally think after my opp makes a move: first, why did my opponent do their move.
2nd, make a plan. 3rd, calculate farther. 4th, do the 2nd and 3rd step one or 2 more times. This should work for slower time controls. Hopefully helps!
"How much times did you guys do tactics?" -- many many times
"How many books and which books you read?" -- Maybe 100 books. In retrospect way too much. You should not exceed 3 books/year. Quality > quantity. One good book by a strong author helps more than 10 mediocre books by mediocre authors. What is good and what is bad is controversial: opinions differ. A great book to one is overrated to another. Here is a list by somebody who made grandmaster.

How much time did you spend playing? -- Many years, many hours
I just figured out how to beat you all... and then did it a lot.
Hello, im 1950-2050 blitz and i dont play much rapid, but probably like 2100 player.

How much times did you guys do tactics?

How much times its impossible to count. I started with few books
1) Mostly a russian book series with tests of chess problems, 12 problems per test, each test for about 1-1.5 hours. I did 40% of the tests (about 20*12=240) in the first level book, about the same in second level and 3rd level book was hard for me. It was like problems with 5 variations each variation 3-6 moves deep. I did maybe 2-3 tests (of 12 problems) and left it.

2) Other book was with about 1500 but kinda simple puzzles, did about 300-500 of those. Mostly about mating in 1, 2, 3 or 4 moves.

3) Online puzzles come much easier (cos you dont have to imagine that much, just try a move, didnt work, oh well, try another, see what computer says) and they are much easier - did 3000 on my old account and about 500 on this account.

4) On some other sites and some other places here and there more.

How many books and which books you read?

Like 100 maybe, but since chess literature is not romance, you cannot read it from cover to cover, i take something from one, something from other. I think my longest read books are:

Nimzowitch: "My system" - recommend this great strategy book to everyone, but mostly for concepts, it takes a very long time to play out (even in your head if not on board) every position nimzowitch proposees there. (im sure its translated in every major language, being basically the most popular chess book).
Capablankas best games
Tals best games
Botvinnik biography + games. First book is when he was becoming world champion, second is after (its in Russian though)
Ralf Weltzer - Chess master ... at any age
Basically there should be a book for every opening you play, if you want to play it good. I studied ruy lopez, QGD(which i no longer play, inspired by Capablanka), sicilian, french and many more.

Конотоп "Тесты по тактике для начинающих шахматистов" - i dont want to translate this, but its fantastic book for training your tactics - this is the series that i was talking about before. It is in russian, but you just have to translate the legend and scoring system, after that its only chess language for next year of testing your skills every other day:) It has 5 books - beginners, 4th grade, 3rd grade, 2nd grade, 1st grade, candidate masters. (i started with 4th grade, beginners was too easy) It was soviet system, so that was then candidate master, now would be fide master, 4th and 3rd grade would be like 1800 rating. 2nd grade is above 2000, thats what was too hard for me, where i solved 1-2 problems every test(from 12).

How much time did you spend playing?

About 3 years ago i was calculating that i have played like 16k blitz games + about 50 tournaments (each from 12+3 to 90+30 time control, with 7-9 games each tournament).

But i dont play or progress as much as i did before. I play for about 10 years, but i had rating about 1800-1900 like 6 years ago. Then in next 2 years i improved to about 2000 and past 4 years i basically dont play or learn it. Just for fun and to keep form a little.

Advice how to get better - choose some of the different aspects of chess that are important to you (strategy, tactics, time manegment, attacking, openings, endgames, psychology ect..) and evaluate them. If you have a hole in one of them, for example, you can win pieces very well, but then you lose on time - work on time managment. Find literature/articles or ask in forums/your chess friends for help, how to improve that. If you can do very good tactics, but you always seem like your position is gonna crash at any point if you dont do something quick - its probably because your position is strategicly weak - so work on strategy, pawn structures, learn how to capture and hold lines, horisontals and verticals, how to provoke weaknesses for him and how to centralize your pieces and make your king safe.
I didn't do tactics because they didn't have a lot of such exercises back then. But I read a lot of books and played a lot of games. Looking back, I probably should've played more and studied less (especially early on).

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