
Puzzle bug?

Correctly solving puzzles but losing points in rating instead of gaining. Happening a few times in past few days where I’ve got a rating going into a puzzle, solve it, see the congrats note, then rating is lowered when I check it. Sometimes 30-50 point drop.

Anyone experiencing or am I misreading system?
I have a similar problem. I solve puzzles, most of the time everything is fine.
but it PISSSES ME OFF(right now) when I'm puzzling over a puzzle for 10-20 minutes, and I JUST GET a check mark and ZERO POINTS, even though the PROGRAM RATING puzzle is rated higher than mine.

for example, for other tasks of similar rating I get from +9 to +13.

Lichess team help us with this please!!
@Andrew704 said in #2:
> I have a similar problem. I solve puzzles, most of the time everything is fine.
> but it PISSSES ME OFF(right now) when I'm puzzling over a puzzle for 10-20 minutes, and I JUST GET a check mark and ZERO POINTS, even though the PROGRAM RATING puzzle is rated higher than mine.
> for example, for other tasks of similar rating I get from +9 to +13.
> Lichess team help us with this please!!

And give me a well-deserved rating, please.
I've checked the puzzle history and it shows that I've gotten it correct but somehow I seem to have lost points after solving. Happened 3 times that I can count in the past week.

@lichess is there a lag in how points are awarded/deducted? When a puzzle is solved correctly the confirmation toast shows the rating increase.

Maybe I am missing something? Thanks for looking

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