
Hyper Accelerated Chess Deep Learning vs Chess Cheats

I have often wondered how we tell the difference between people who are using accelerated learning systems for Chess and increase their performance asymptotically (very suddenly) and those using cheating systems?

It's a genuine question because whenever a Lichess player does well there is always that lingering doubt and if they were previously lower-rated that doubt turns to righteous anger and reporting the player as a cheater.

What if this person has started using some miracle chess training system that improves them in a hyper-accelerated way?

How can we stop blaming overachievers for overachieving?
We don't have to deal with it, Lichess cheat detection software does
Yes, but no cheater can defeat the Hyperaccelerated Pterodactyl!
@EwoudUtrecht that’s only partly true, your opponents and their friends can report you if they think they can prove you’re not worthy to beat them.

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