
A way to meet the french defence(?)

"They're not nearly as easy to refute as this Bg5 nonsense." It's just an assertion from you without any substance. Why don't you back up your statement with specific lines? Even if black can play better here, white is still far from losing. This line is completely sound.
I think it is viable, for example
The French defense is not very dangerous for whites to do all the serious things. White can always reduce the game to a draw if they do not lose caution.
@odoaker2015 I know guys like you -- as long as it's not mate in 1 next move, you'll be like "my position looks perfectly fine to me, I think I'm even better." You're mad that I called out your trash opening and the only way to get back at me you could think of is to make me waste my time explaining what even my sub 1400-rated students could understand by themselves. Now you've realized no one likes your trash opening, you're all like "oh but I didn't say it was great, just that it was playable!" Yeah, there's no direct refutation of 1.f3, doesn't mean it isn't a trash opening.
@PFSxDragonSlayer #26
If you play as black, oh yes, you must know a lot! According to my observations, for those who play white, it is enough to adhere to common sense and general considerations. So that White does not burden himself with theory, it is easiest to capture space with 3. e5. Moves 3. Nc3 and 3. Nd2 promise more, but in this case you need to know something.
But keep in mind that I give advice to amateur players who do not want or do not have time to deeply study the theory of openings.
@ujcn Exactly! Sometimes, i wonder why black players play the French Defense: there's too much theory involved, might as well learn the something, White usually has to learn a few mainlines and sidelines, and he would have a slight advantage on move 10 in the game!
Hi, by the way, i recommend using the Nc3 line. Most commonly played, and it includes many slow positional lines, as well as crazy, attacking ones. The MUST-KNOW lines are: 3. ...Bb4 (Winawer variation), 3. ...Nf6, 3. ...Nbd7, and 3. ...Bd7 (The Fort Knox). Played by almost every master, according to Lichess database, with a decent win-rate for White

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