
High GPU usage while playing

A long time ago, I 've noticed my GPU usage was very high (intel GPU on a thinkpad T420 laptop) while playing making my laptop hot. So I was forced to play on a competitor website. As it is not in my taste, I tried to investigate the problem. Solved. I just to disabled the progression bar below the clocks. Now the usage of my GPU dropped from 90-95% to 5-10%. Now I can come back on my favorite chess website.

I think this problem should be documented somewhere.
Is the laptop from 2011? What browser version are you using.
Yes, 2011. Ok, the GPU is not powerful, but it's a progressbar. I am using firefox (115.12.2esr and 128.0.0). I tested Chromium based web browsers too. I've this issue since may-june 2021. I guess the progress bar was introduced at that time.
This is to be expected with graphics intensive games like chess. Maybe try changing the graphics settings such as shader detail, texture quality, and disabling refractions and reflections.
@dboing said in #8:
> what is so special about 2011?

ok. I am not good with names, or dates. 2001, 2011.. I just also happen to have a laptop from that year.
I also might be too focussed at times.

The full question was about
> Is the laptop from 2011?

What about CPUs/GPUs (and is that onboard GPUs) of that time. But the joke is on me. Way to go, being concise and too vague at the same time. What was I talking about? There might be a soft spot between concise expressive specific and vague directoins.. And that spot might be a context dependent moving target. Plus the internet scale and my small brain.. .

Seriously, what is behind that sibylline** question of laptop year.

**: I use 2) of course in the following definition, not the prophetic, although it might be about the appearance
1) of, resembling, or characteristic of a sibyl; prophetic; oracular.
2) mysterious; cryptic.

Self-contained post. Audience target fog, oblige.
Ok. onboard GPU. I could make my laptop survive (still not burned but not using it) using it discrete GPU only even for 2D.

so I could throttle down the useless CPU threads used for on board GPU. At least I think that is wht Throttle-stop was allowing me by playing with power balance between core types... It could have been the disable turbo too. but I was also using some hardware monitor that could controil Fan to max faster than designed.

but bottom line is Throttle-stop is any laptop friend, if you are not in some business obsolescence cycle with your machines.. of the laptop kind. Electromigration is a plague.. No wonder they are trying to miniaturize us instead....

It might not be helpful helddesk contribution. just answering my own question. Some places gives points of diligence for that. The op might not have the discrete GPU option, and it might not be about the heat problem.

yet. it might be worth trying to understand own machine innerds from such control and probing tools. I was playing video games on such laptop. Delusion to have a discrete GPU in a laptop not design for heat dissipation.

Ok I did my 360. unsollicited contribution. I would be glad to help further about that kind of mobo chipset and melting contraptions from that era.. so long ago.. I make jokes without realizing it.. ( :)

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