
Teaching for 600-1900 players

Hello everyone, I am Ben and I am charging $15/h for a lesson via lichess, for players that have ratings between 600-1900. If your curious to know more about myself, here is some descriptions. I play like a resemblance of Tal (very aggressive type of play), my best variant was bullet, but now taking a bit of rest, it is rapid with a rating of approximately 2200, and of 2221 at the peak. I also started chess five years ago, but after practicing everyday, I have improved a lot. If you are wondering how to reach me just text me on this account via lichess. So if anyone is interested in me teaching them, I would be glad to know about it.

hahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaha. ahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahah. hahahahhahah. Sorry, that had to come out. hahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha IMs are charging $6 an hour on the lichess coaching page. You know, professional coaches?
1) If you play like Tal then why is your tactical rating lower than mine?
2) What is your FIDE Rating`? Just curious
3) Your prize is a little bit too high
Some IMs here charge $100/h, which is ridicilous. For $15 probably some chess book can be bought.

And for free, there is many Youtube videos with live explanations. Also millions of games available to analyze for free...
uh - so i'm about 1666 in classical; this guy is 1740 or so... and he's offering to teach guys like me........ how to play.......... for $15/hr........ do i just stuff a bunch of small bills in a bottle or envelope and send it off somewhere? a few days ago one of these guys --- (basically really mid-level players) messaged me offering me --- wow. and then there's the futurewcc who's constantly advertising on the forums -------- kind of tired of these spammers. does lichess condone these guys? personally, if i want ads, i know where to
"My best variant was bullet, but now taking a bit of rest, it is rapid." Comment of the day.

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