
Copying Game Moves Without Cluttering PGN Downloads

I think it would be great if there was a simple way to copy the game moves of a game you are analyzing or just played, such that the pgn of the moves of the game would pop up in a small window. If this is already available on lichess, I apologize, but I did not figure out how to view the pgn of a played game in a simple copy-ready form. I am aware that there is a "pgn download" option, but the issue is that if you use it a lot, you'll have hundreds of pgns in your downloads folder when you simply wanted to play over the game for a few seconds on a board. This leads to a lot of clutter and having to delete all of these hundreds of pgn downloads. I've seen the feature on chessdotcom, so I think it would be great if you could just click "Copy Game" or "Copy pgn" on a board. ChessBase has the feature "Copy Game" which gives you a game ready to paste to a friend instantly. Thanks in advance.
When you go to the analysis board after a game, at the bottom you should see: Computer analysis/Move times/ Crosstable/ FEN & PGN.
If you click on FEN & PGN, I think you should have what you want.
Thanks for your response. I mostly use lichess in study mode though. In studies, how do we get the pgn without needing to download a pgn?
If you click on "Share and Export" at the bottom of a study, you have the opportunity to download the PGN of either the whole study or the current chapter.
You are correct, but I asked how to get the game moves to copy without needing to download a pgn. The problem is that when you download 250 pgns (eventually, say, over the course of a few weeks), your downloads folder becomes a huge mess and you can't find anything anymore. A lot of the time, I just want to look at a game for a minute or two in ChessBase and don't want to have to download the pgn because of the clutter it creates. I am suggesting that lichess develop the option to simply "Copy Game" like ChessBase has, which gives you the game data on your notepad to paste where you'd like without downloading anything. Do you get what I mean?
I don't understand the problem. Do you constantly need to get a study chapter PGN and incorporate it into one big PGN in a ChessBase? And well, if you want just to look briefly at the game in ChessBase (and the only reason I see ChessBase can be any better than Lichess for this purpose is having a custom opening book which is somehow better than Lichess's Master opening database), at least in Firefox you can set up the browser so that instead of downloading into the download folder it asks instead if you want to open the file in a default (or any other) application immediately.
Wolfram, if you do that it will save the game on your hard drive in any case in the pgn Downloads folder in ChessBase. There are a lot of reasons why it's ideal to have the same feature ChessBase and chessdotcom have in one click, so I was just proposing that lichess adds it. No harm done and no reason to get upset about it. This forum is for feedback and suggestions. You're acting like it's a bad or dumb idea, but I think most people studying on here a lot would find it very valuable.

As one example, ChessBase has different engines you can use with more settings: LeelaZero is one of the main engines I use. Impossible to use on lichess. Komodo Monte Carlo is also an engine I use a lot, as well as the latest Stockfish version, which is 75 elo stronger than Stockfish 9 on lichess, which usually just uses a few threads. I also like to copy games into Fritz, or simply copy the game moves (ideally in one click) for friends to look over. I like to check openings and middlegame positions with MegaBase quickly then delete them. I could go on and list more reasons, but there are plenty. It's not a dumb suggestion. I suspect every player coaching on here would appreciate it. No need to be aggressive and condescending. I'm just trying to help out other people here.
U click on the FEN & PGN tab and then just click on the pgn below CTRL C and CTRL V on Chessbase

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