
Anti-White Racism as a Minority

As the information is coming from this website
you should tell *** your government *** it is UK. ;-)
@bfchessguy said in #30:
> The problem of average peoples might be the result of those elites ruling the world, the Politics or Professional Sports.
> Usually the privileged elites at the top are making sure that things won't get easier for the so called average folks.
so the problem aren't white people, the problem are very powerfull, elite white people with control the world. OP is a average guy, what had been abused because of his race, obviously he is not privileged because he is a average white person, not top NBA player.
@dstne said in #3:
> There is one race, the human race! It really is unfortunate that people want to separate themselves into factions.
My biology teacher doesn't think like you
@xDoubledragon said in #42:
> so the problem aren't white people, the problem are very powerful, elite white people with control the world. OP is a average guy, what had been abused because of his race, obviously he is not privileged because he is a average white person, not top NBA player.

This is not only thing contributing to racism and discrimination. Please try to avoid The problem is also he average guy voting for the ones who won't change things and be profiteering when things are not changing

Forgot my example I am wrong, I plead guilty. Lol

Happy now?

So does it means hat I think what they did to you is right? No, nada, niet.

Do you at least get that?

Please believe me if I were in the same room when the one(s) in charge would not have liked it when I would have told them how I was outraged by what they di to you.

So we'll have to agree to disagree regarding racism against so called whites. I am only pointing out there are many other factors that must taken into account like *** for example *** your Last Name.

For one of my "White/Asian" friend if she's with me some folks won't express racism against her. She told me that it's not the same when she's alone and others know her family name (her mother is the so-called White) she's experiencing more discrimination and racism.

Sometimes the power is the hand of so called average person. Sometimes the power is the hand of the influencers who are blindly followed. Sometimes it is the hand of Politicians who are skewed and most of the time favoring only a small portion of citizens.

Where exactly do we put the limit between average and elite by the way?

Enough for me . time to move on.
@bfchessguy said in #44:
Wait I'm talking about OP problems, I'm not discussing this issue, because it is not a point of my debate, I'm discussing about average race problems

Your comment is a quite a messy, however because I'm not native speaker, I might misunderstand your messenge, but basically you have a issue involving politics. With I can understand because USA (with I heard and online) Is a massive mess, however everyone can be racist for everyone no matter for race
"I am a biracial Asian in the USA, and I am frequently mistaken for a white person"

So, half of you is Asian and the other half is? I would Imagine that is caucasian, else you wouldnt resemble a white person.
When you are biracial you are both and neither at the same time.

If that is the case, Why would you only name the Asian part? Why arent you a biracial caucasian?
Are you particularly good at math? If not, then you dont have the proper asian traits, just the looks.
Is it racist to think that anti-white racism is impossible? No seriously I believe anti-white racism can exist a times, and also that all things considered - in their proportions and history - white people should really eat one's word, or probably even better just shut up about it!
@EmileNightmoves said in #47:
> Is it racist to think that anti-white racism is impossible? No seriously I believe anti-white racism can exist a times, and also that all things considered - in their proportions and history - white people should really eat one's word, or probably even better just shut up about it!

How can you conclude we're pretending it does not exist. Even me with "pure blood" and blue eyes can be a victim of racism. Stating that it is way harder for other groups is not meaning it does not exist and you should stfu. Until now I had a life way more easier than my friends with darker skin or family name making them easy to target to all kinds of racism including Systemic System.

Believe me I'm on the winning side. Even if dad was lower than middle class.
i have an indian tone in india, and nothing said about it or done about it wouldn't matter in anyway. i love me, and will continue in the future. although racist stuff happens to me as well (why cant u be fairer??) i just dont care
@bfchessguy said in #48: How can you conclude we're pretending it does not exist.

It may be a misunderstanding. I'm saying anti-white can exist, and I actually have no doubt about it. Hence my joke. I'm actually answering to someone how wrote that anti-white racism was not existing. So I don't conclude we (not sure who this we refers to) are pretending it does not exist, I just answer to someone who believe this.
Though, I really think that, to be more explicit, if one consider the heavy weight overall of white-against-others racism around the world, and the quite seldom (in proportion) examples you can find of anti-white racism, often coming from people of communities that have been subject of racism, colonization, and so on, one may think "Shouldn't I maybe keep a low profile and not mindlessly raise my voice against anti-white racism, when actually I'm on the the side that should on this topic focus on benefiting the least possible of privileges and act in solidarity towards people who are subjects to racism coming from white people like me?" Furthermore it's not some, I insist quite rare in proportion, anti-white racism stuff that will make a big difference on what the SYSTEMIC racism has been in the past hundred years and today, who got/has benefit there, who are the real, let's say victims.
It's like if a men complains about misandry coming from some women (like in a genuine way, if it ever happens). I don't say misandry is impossible but really, look at the reality of things, the history and the proportions of sexism, gender violence. And maybe, I don't want to be rude, but also, shut up about it.

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