
The meaning of the word system in opening names

i am not counting typos, but it did look funny for a fraction of a second, that thought got wiped out real fast by the next one.
Edit: to save vertical space in a rare moment of awareness about that, i answer here to the post below... I was saying that you should not worry, your middle-game meaning was clear. But, it helps, yes to have to write it, for own memory sake, perhaps less mistake later.. but really. meaning is what matters to me. And i would not be able to fix my walls of text like that...
@MPS_MohakSonecha said in #32:
> I am clarifying my point of view i dont have any allegations for yours.

if you don't mind me give you posting advice.. The quoting mechanism when using button Quote, just applies a markdowm template to the quoted post.. you can edit out completely or partially. To keep the look of quote vertical white bar, you just have to keep the ">" mark.

You can even quote many posts in succession and edit out the supperfluous. Like if you were just repairing your post. you could have quoted your own post instead of mine... and as you just did, ping me too, to make me aware that you are aware of the better spelling..

possibly too much information but just in case of curiosity about features: I also am subscribing to this thread as op=original post(er). and would have seen you post in my lobby forum peek view (under news), even if you had not pinged me. but all is good. this is just me liking sharing feature knowledge....
You see man ,
I would like not to change your posts cause it may change the conversation , I would have used it if i would like to change the conversation .
@MPS_MohakSonecha said in #34:
> @dboing
> You see man ,
> I would like not to change your posts cause it may change the conversation , I would have used it if i would like to change the conversation .

but you reply was not about my post. or was it?

But you did know you could modify it. well, if others did not and now they would...
@dboing i highly appreciate that you are updating people with the feature ,
Yes it was but together it might seem as a whole conv. While in parts and changing each - others text dosent seem sophisticated.
@MPS_MohakSonecha said in #36:
> @dboing i highly appreciate that you are updating people with the feature ,
> Yes it was but together it might seem as a whole conv. While in parts and changing each - others text dosent seem sophisticated.

My apologies i thought you were correcting you own mistake... I gloss over such things, so i thought it was yours...
Well, there is no need to put all of the post, you can be more conversation effective by isolating the culprit line, because the Quote mechanism does the tracking back for you on top.;

(like you don't even need to ping me, the quote mechanism puts it in, and the post subject or object of the reply, e.g. here #36, allows people curious about the rest that you did not comment on to be read by manually navigating back to it.

I think it used to be also an active link (but that might put some load by putting too many links and calls to lichess server).

But this is all under your "jurisdiction".. Thanks for correcting one of my spellings. My fingers do have some free will, I will relay the message.
Thanks for the Allowance @dboing said in #37:
> My apologies i thought you were correcting you own mistake... I gloss over such things, so i thought it was yours...
> Well, there is no need to put all of the post, you can be more conversation effective by isolating the culprit line, because the Quote mechanism does the tracking back for you on top.;
> (like you don't even need to ping me, the quote mechanism puts it in, and the post subject or object of the reply, e.g. here #36, allows people curious about the rest that you did not comment on to be read by manually navigating back to it.
> I think it used to be also an active link (but that might put some load by putting too many links and calls to lichess server).
> But this is all under your "jurisdiction".. Thanks for correcting one of my spellings. My fingers do have some free will, I will relay the message.

One more spelling error i spotted while reading is "you own " .
Thanks for listening
@dboing said in #23:
>In chess there are no definitive answers only hypotheses (while at making claims or opinions)
@Akbar2thegreat said in #26:
> There are but it depends on context.

A consequence without explicit condition, is an orphan statement of some kind. So in itself, it is not definitive. what is, on the other hand, is the pair of the statement AND its context set or boundary if in a connected kind of bigger context ( position space). That could have definite truth quality of the logical kind..

This means don't crumble if an old working thumb rule of chess just did not work like it were... you just have discovered some territory outside of its rarely given context. But maybe sometimes, even the statement only has limiter historical context breadth, when it was discovered as hypothesis found applying in that breadth (or community experience set).

Ok, I feel like i am not reaching much audience. consider this my first public iteration building on your comment to look back at chess theory ups and downs and the current new stances about it.

Impatience with improvement might be a psychological factor too.. People not curious about understanding but impatient to prove themselves winners and better competitors first, whatever it takes.

But that is not really why there are new stances, just likely an amplifying factor. The "it does not work anymore" factor: "why should i be concerned..."

No the rational, even non-competition obsessed, perspective have shown that the body of experience set has unveiled "holes" in how the theory, which has principle status then applies now (thumb rules for limited experience players, now).

I should say, i may take a claiming tone, it is just to give the arguments or hypotheses of mine their best chance, but i am in discovery mode allways.

Why principles of chess theory having some hard time nowadays, in some expert player population at least?

It is not their inherent flaws, it is the community shared awareness about including top elite recorded games, shows the contextes where they don't apply anymore.. The knee jerk reaction from those, who, btw, did not need those principles anyway and anymore, is "why bother remembering those.." AND then in a sort of simplistic projection of current self chess thinking patterns to all learners:
"you don't need them either, look at me, I don't use them anymore; they must have been useless even in my past".

In reality, they may even be impediments to them, in fast time controls, or any time control faster than no time control..
I am not saying time controls are bad.. just that fast means intuition is more important, and conscious reasoning is very slow. having distractions about thumb rule getting in the way? not good!

But it is not the best conclusion, it just drops the baby with the bathwater out the window (baby theory, a good theory should allow for new data to feedback upon it, if it were a scientific theory like in physics).

We just have to have a taste for abstractions and trust our own logic. Is it really the princples that are useless, or their blind generalization to any position, even those that were not being explored at all by the recorded chess community history. From a the time of the conception of these abstractions, by authors intersecting chess expertise of the time, with abstraction construction and communication, and made its way through to today. For them as authors it was the complete chess space they were talking about. Since chess is big and we have no measure of even current knowledge completeness, they inferred from the assumption of common sense, why specify context... the context is our context, and perhaps ego helping (that may happen, you know in chess culture), we know it all of chess..

So now today, we also think that chess opening is done deal... or that the Tree is known completely. something like that.. plus we have the truth of the engine... TB... chess is not to be discovered anymore, it is just about individual performance.

Well, i am a doubt machine.... I hope that the above is just a caricature from my silly mind. I think if the scientific attitude that we had in physics with regard to empirical worl and theory building and constanlty revising with commotions (well there might have been, but the wheel has never stopped).. we are lucky. Chess is even more controllable that the typical phenomena that physics restricts its statements to..

Thank you for your reply. I gives me opportunity to spill more of my guts... this has been simmering. and your wise statement an enabler.. Don't regret it now. exhausted.. hope i did not lose the point: "it is the context!" that changes... offering new data... where has the theory building people gone?
Why would I regret when I am not wrong?
I meant like if the context is 'what is result of perfect chess game' then we can give our opinions though majority of people believe that White doesn't have enough move advantage to win.
And if context is 'which opening is better of the two' then there can be mutiple sub-context: The one that gives better advantage (or better position) or the one which is more often played.
The term context is itself very broad. So, I included everything by defaut and hence didn't miss out on anything.
How to develop pieces might be too open but how to win in 2 moves is straightforward. Understood, right?

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