
Are you enjoying Youtube?

Yeah, @Dukedog, I built a crystal radio, too. I seem to remember winding copper wire around a toilet paper tube at one point in the process, to make a coil of it.

And Edmund Scientific? You couldn't be an official nerd in good standing without having one of their catalogs in your house, apartment or trailer.

You could always tell who had at least one of those catalogs at home: during standardized tests they looked pretty relaxed.
Youtube provides a wonderful service to the planet. AND YET ....

The one thing I don't care for about it is this: some Herr or Frau or Fraulein will create a video and, in it, they will talk about some marvelous thing that will assertedly change our lives for the better! OMG, it's, like, SO amazing and almost nobody knows about it! Yet they'll let US know about it for free, free, free! But first? For some reason we are asked to:

"click the button below."

There's the rub. There's where I pause.

If somebody wants to help me for free in my daily life (as opposed to the internet universe), they don't generally require me to "click" something. They just do it. Or they just give me the advice. Straight out. Without preconditions.

Why, why, why do I have to "click" something to get this marvelous learning? I thought I already did enough by starting and viewing their YouTube channel. And don't they want to help?

But, apparently, only if I click. The click must be magic. It must have some vast significance that I do not grasp. It reminds me of chess -- it holds for me so many mysteries.

But click I do not. Who knows what wonders I am missing.
I think some of you are watching the wrong channels.
There are many fabulous content creators out there.
Podcasts, interviews, Ted talks, travel shows, documentaries (especially documentaries, often they are far more interesting and better researched than TV documentaries.)
Not to mention music, which was probably was first lured us to YouTube?

As for ads, perhaps install "ublock origin" on your device, to remove ads from YouTube:
It's also the recommended ad blocker by Lichess
@Noflaps said in #12:
> Herr or Frau or Fraulein
So you don't acknowledge the pronouns hir/ze, but German words are acceptable?

Ah, ze Germans wordz are good ja? :-D
Incidentally, with reference to my #12 above ...

Does anybody KNOW the point of "the click" which many Infotubers require after dangling the miracle cure / fix / insight? (I'm not talking about clicking to "subscribe" or "like" -- those are already readily understandable from a practical standpoint).

I'm talking about the "click" that bars the door to the proffered miracle. I assume that it has some direct or indirect business purpose. But what is that purpose, if any?

I have my own conjectures, but I don't wish to propose them without certainty, since that might lead to unintended misinformation or unfairness. And Noflaps is nothing if not fair. In every sense of the word.

Please don't just idly guess. Is there anybody savvy or plugged-in enough to know?
Used to be able to find alot of porn in youtube,they got rid of that,There are good martial art videos and if you used to like kung fu the series featuring david caradine ,you can find it there,Good chess videos also,some serious and some fun ones.
I’ll tell u something subscribe to the subscribed subscription to subscribe to the subscribed subscribers
Ngl, I realized that when I bought yt premium, i stopped watching yt alot. Ads take up alot of your lifes time. Its worth buying it. Total recomend yt premium.

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