
Operation Save America

@CSKA_Moscou said in #29:
> I consider that Schwarzenegger is a better candidate, because unlike Stallone, he can travel to the past and the future and even to Mars. Which makes him a great diplomat

Nah, it would be priceless to see Stallone facing putina. No way putina or Kim would do a photo-op with Arnold. ;-)
Why not focus upon substance rather than upon easily discounted personal attacks?

There are relatively few American politicians who are not well educated. And the notion that former president Trump "seems" uneducated is nonsensical. But everyone is entitled to his or her or their or its personal opinion, certainly.
@bfchessguy said in #31:
> Nah, it would be priceless to see Stallone facing putina. No way putina or Kim would do a photo-op with Arnold. ;-)

The problem with Stallone is that he enjoys walking alone in the forest with an M60. Which is a pretty worthy pastime for Rambo, but President Rambo would be pretty... wild.

and there will be another story of lying dog faced pony soldier
@Noflaps said in #32:
> Why not focus upon substance rather than upon easily discounted personal attacks?

I guess focusing upon substance is replies like

>"Trump for instance doesn't know what bleech is for instance." (sic)
>He not only knows what it is, he knows how to spell the word.
Obama originally engineered Biden's "ascension" in the 2020 race to stop Sanders, now at long last he orchestrates his removal as Biden's dementia became glaringly apparent to everyone.
I was refuting the contention that Trump was or seems uneducated. And pointing out that the reliability of the contention was questionable on its face.

The contention I was refuting seemed to have little substance, even if it might feel politically satisfying to some.
@pretzelattack1 said in #35:
> Obama originally engineered Biden's "ascension" in the 2020 race to stop Sanders, now at long last he orchestrates his removal as Biden's dementia became glaringly apparent to everyone.

Sanders the guy who was asking Biden to not give up?
@pretzelattack1 said in #35:
> Obama originally engineered Biden's "ascension" in the 2020 race to stop Sanders, now at long last he orchestrates his removal as Biden's dementia became glaringly apparent to everyone.

Biden was ambitious enough to get into this position and I doubt Obama had influence through anything other than simple support. Biden was a senator, and this kind of political veteran is often an interesting compromise for managing crises

Sanders was too idealistic in his thinking, especially on the economy.
@Noflaps said in #36:
> I was refuting the contention that Trump was or seems uneducated. And pointing out that the reliability of the contention was questionable on its face.
> The contention I was refuting seemed to have little substance, even if it might feel politically satisfying to some.

A businessman is someone who succeeded in life, even if it is through the power of capitalism.

So to succeed, you have to be ambitious, to be ambitious, you need to have goals, to have goals, you need dreams, to know how to dream of such a thing, you have to be smart, to be smart, you have to be educated, no matter how.

Trump is educated.
Sanders the guy who was either threatened or bribed into acceding to first Hilary Clinton's theft of the primaries via the DNC in 2016, and then Obama's in 2020. Trump might be saner on the Ukraine war, but he is equally blind on war with China, trotting out all the same bs excuses about supporting freedom and democracy the US typically has used since Korea. The US is losing control over the world order that fell into its lap at the end of World War 2, as the BRICS nations slowly rise, and the genocide that both Biden and Trump support in Gaza is playing a part, an appalling cost indeed. The US, like Biden's dementia, is exposed before the world.

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