
what will happen if anybody reaches the end of the universe

Then I guess one human question will be answered!
That being that there's indeed an end.
Of course this raises more questions.
I don't agree if someone reaches the edge of the universe but let's imagine if someone reaches there however.
First of all, he will called, 'First Man to reach edge of the universe'. Secondly, he will again miss the edge as the universe is expanding as fast as light. Thirdly, he will never reach back home. Fourthly and lastly, if he crosses the edge of the universe, he will be called 'First Man to reach outside the universe'.
@Mantram_PateL said in #26:
> Nope, Magic is Science. And Science isn't Magic. And how is Magic related to this?

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -- Arthur C. Clarke.
In time: You would get boring waiting for it and when you reached it, there would be nothing to se. You probably would consider the travel a waste of time.

In distance: You would see a sign: Will the last person leaving the universe, turn out the lights.

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