

@Thestralx said in #1:
> What to do when u r so sad? any suggestions??:(

Good thing that you noticed your sadness. Some people are too busy running around to actually feel or notice real emotions.

One can say, in general, in some cases : Sadness is the other coin of wanting pleasure and happiness. (I'm talking about short time sadness, not grief which can be very long lasting, like mourning). It is okay to be sad, because it is worse to not want to look at your sadness at all, and ignore it. You can just look at your sadness without giving it too much attention, and just let it be there.
And sometimes, for example when a friend or family member has died, it is good to give the sadness of mourning enough time to be there, as suppressing emotions is usually not a good thing.
Of course one can also cling too long to the sadness, but I guess you can find a good balance.

I'll leave a quote which I believe comes from Eckhart Tolle which I like a lot :
"We cannot be happy all the time, but we can let go of the unhappiness"

And a quote from a Yogi tea bag that I like very much :
"Why not enjoy today ? It will be gone tomorrow"
@achja said in #31:
> Good thing that you noticed your sadness. Some people are too busy running around to actually feel or notice real emotions.
> One can say, in general, in some cases : Sadness is the other coin of wanting pleasure and happiness. (I'm talking about short time sadness, not grief which can be very long lasting, like mourning). It is okay to be sad, because it is worse to not want to look at your sadness at all, and ignore it. You can just look at your sadness without giving it too much attention, and just let it be there.
> And sometimes, for example when a friend or family member has died, it is good to give the sadness of mourning enough time to be there, as suppressing emotions is usually not a good thing.
> Of course one can also cling too long to the sadness, but I guess you can find a good balance.
> I'll leave a quote which I believe comes from Eckhart Tolle which I like a lot :
> "We cannot be happy all the time, but we can let go of the unhappiness"
> And a quote from a Yogi tea bag that I like very much :
> "Why not enjoy today ? It will be gone tomorrow"

absolute wisdom.

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