
Which sports trick looks most difficult to you?

Knuckleballs in baseball and soccer/football. Don't know how tricky they are but it's fun to watch the ball redirection at the last "second", mystifying the batter/goalkeeper.
My wife likes ice skating
Me,not so much
But the triple sourcow
Looks hard to do.
Juggling the ball and doing multiple tricks like crossovers (hit the ball with one foot and moving the other foot around the ball), ATWs (kicking the ball and moving around it with the same foot), Magellan (one foot hits the ball, and both feet do an ATW) etc.
Probably like the around the net shot in table tennis

Definitely looks the best, especially when done cleanly
@Cheerfulmelodies480 said in #17:
> Disagreed I learnt that like in a day
> It doesn’t look any harder

Same, i can do it.

@Cheerfulmelodies480 said in #18:
> Probably like the around the net shot in table tennis
> Definitely looks the best, especially when done cleanly

This one is difficult, table tennis is a fast sport, you need to be precise

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