
German language

Hello there

The german language has so many bugs, i hope you will reapir it

Thanks in advance.
could you name some examples? apparently you're not even german yourself?
I'm using Lichess in German myself and pretty much never see anything wrong. The only issue is that there are still some areas and sometimes little parts that aren't translated but most of the important parts are.

Though if you really do find any translation errors, you can even fix them yourself here:
I think they're talking about the mobile app. I've seen a concerning reddit thread about it.
May be! Though I've never used the German Language, I've used some other languages, and they're perfectly translated, except for usernames, and tournament names. If you're talking about those issues, know, that they can never be translated and this thread is useless.
Maybe #1 is talking about the german language itself. Heard a lot of people learning german saying things like this too.
The german language truly has a lot of bugs!

Here are some bugs in the german language:
Blattkäfer, Bockkäfer, Borkenkäfer, Breitrüssler, Buntkäfer, Laufkäfer, Marienkäfer, Schwarzkäfer/Dunkelkäfer, Prachtkäfer, Rindenkäfer, Rüsselkäfer, Samenkäfer, Sandlaufkäfer, Schröter, Spitzmausrüssler, Weichkäfer

my favorite one is the Marienkäfer, it is very cute and very beautiful, also it's similar to my first name (Marius). I'm actually quite happy the german language has so many bugs and I hope lichess will not change that.

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